Monday, July 14, 2014

Siwash Rock, Vancouver B.C. Painting by R. H. Taylor

This painting, signed by the artist,  belongs to my grandmother who lived in Vancouver for many years. Does anyone know more about the artist?  


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  2. Gary HoldenFebruary 14, 2015 at 10:39 AM

    Hi Joe, the artist is Reginald Henry Taylor. Mr. Taylor was one of the original Stanley Park Artists. Mr. Taylor owner framing shops in the Vancouver area. On weekends he and his wife, Edith, would sit in Stanley Park and paint these for locals and tourists, selling them for a dollar or three, depending on the size. Mr. Taylor died in 1946, his wife in the early 1960's. No great value, most sell for 20 to 100 at local auctions. Hope that helps. Gary

  3. Gary - thank you very much. That is excellent info!

  4. Hi i have one of hes painting thé sa me of toi have but vew from thé other side

  5. I have one from my Grandmother called "Moonlight" Siwash Rock and was also wondering if it was worth any money. Thanks for the info.

  6. Thank you so much for knowing this history. How nice that you were able to fill me in - I bought one of his smaller English Bay scenes today for 0.50 cents at the local thrift.
